Question from a hikikomori to hikikomoris (130)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-10 00:13 ID:KGTVtmSJ


Well, in my case either I could go and face that rare social situation (grudgingly, perhaps) and perform reasonably well. But afterwards I'll just sink back into my cocoon, tired of social interaction. Of course, 8/10 I would find a way of avoiding the situation. I'd have to be living on a ship or something, where privacy doesn't exist and you're constantly surrounded by other sailers and sailer-tasks to break out of my isolation-routine. But there's a kind of anonymity that goes with being part of a tightly-knit crew that I think a lot of Hikis like me would be relatively comfortable with. Ship life is intensely social and at the same time extremely isolated (cause you're on a ship). Maybe Hikis should just join the Navy. shrug

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