Phobias thread (X_X)[WTF] (46)

17 Name: Nox Puss : 2007-02-18 16:30 ID:HTZ8R5Dy

Fear of being, deep underwater...I can't even stand it when it's on TV or something, and it's like it's being shot from underwater x_X Now that I find really terrifying. Also, sharks. I once told my sister (age seven) that there were sharks at the deep end of the swimming pool. I ended up being too scared to go into the deep end myself. Let's not go into how much older I am than my sister.

Anything else...? Ah, yes...mild claustrophobia and fear of being looked at (wait...scopophobia, right?). I swing my hair in front of my face, keep a hand carefully positioned so it looks like I'm just playing with my hair when my wrist is hiding my face and stare at the floor. It's especially bad when I'm wearing make-up, for some reason.

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