Cures for depression (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-03 22:03 ID:C/kwu+kG

I'm currently pretty badly depressed at the moment, and to be honest, im not really sure why. So I just need some ways to cure depression. What do you guys do when depressed?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-03 22:39 ID:f+RbbH2P

Go outside. Even if it's not sunny and bright. Don't argue with yourself about staying indoors. GO OUTSIDE!!!

You'll feel better, moreso if the sun is shining.

Don't eat and don't watch TV. I've been told that smiling for no reason tends to help but I don't do it myself and I wouldn't recommend anything that I haven't done in life to another person no matter how anonymous they are to me.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-04 00:04 ID:C/kwu+kG


I took your advice to heart a while ago and went outside. Even though its pretty late in the evening where I am and cold.

And I must say I felt a lot better, the stars where beautiful and the moon was full, I somehow felt a lot happyier and and as if all my problems where gone. Tommorow afternoon im going to go for a long walk.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-04 00:43 ID:fkY7hD6j

exercise helps, as does eating healthily

the smiling thing sort of works... its on the basis that if you make yourself smile, and try to make it as reaslistic smile as possible (try to emulate a natural smile compared to a fake smile) then it sorta makes you feel a bit better. i find its hard to keep this up for any period of time, but if youre feeling really down try a smile and maybe youll think of something good in your life that will cheer you up

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