How to stop severe procrastination? (33)

9 Name: >>2 : 2007-02-07 15:47 ID:pB9mm9g4

Thanks for the good post and the links, lifehack seems to be very resourceful, I'll read it more deeply when I get back from school.

The problem about a paper agenda is I'll never read it; I had that issue up until High School, when I decided it wasn't even worth buying one. The great thing about computer agendas is that you have tons of ways to force yourself to read them - homepages, desktop, popup/mail reminders, and so on. As for PDAs, you have alarms which can help. No paper agenda is going to yell at you for forgetting them for 2 weeks.

Also, about computers; the problem gets worse if you actually have to work on the computer; and need frequent access to internet. But if you don't have to use it: truth is you probably should turn it off, and go work far from it. People with attention problems should avoid having TV playing in background too, and as a matter of fact any source of easy disturbance. But it should be noted that things such as music can be as much a disturbance as a focus-helper; I know I can't work/get focused on something without music. Of course, not every music style may work, and it depends on your tastes. Being very eclectic, I figured that ambiant electro/trip-hop are really good, being rythmic/melodic enough without you having to actively listen.

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