I like sad RL stories (15)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-14 04:47 ID:Heaven


It's funny to hear people say they have no friends and no social life when they mention of their friends.

If it makes you feel better about yourself and your life after you read from others unfortunate stories. Nothing can stop you from enjoying it. But the fact is if you are unhappy, you are unhappy, nothing can change it unless you change it yourself. Sure you can compare yourself to unfortunate people who are worst off than you, say the people from third world countries, or people who have disabilities, it may make you feel better about yourself, but you will not be happy, at the end your just living with the flow, waiting for something to happen or hoping someone will do something about your situation. No control over things. Time will pass and things just pass over you leaving you behind.

You ain't gonna be satisfied if you don't have some sort values you seeking after.

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