hypersensitive hikikomori in a dog-eat-dog world (12)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-22 02:22 ID:bpeOOXpG

Good people are not seldom to find. Good people are everywhere. Many people are incompatable with each other, and everyone has their flaws, but that dosen't mean that humanity is made of mostly people who are rotten at the core.

It's just that usually we only notice the bad in people. If someone is a stranger, you won't notice them if they aren't doing anything. If they do something small but nice like holding a door open for you, you probably wouldn't think twice about it. But if they do something accidentally rude, it's easy to get angry and think "Oh, people like this are so terrible and inconsiderate". But deep inside there are very few people who actually want to cause any harm to anyone. Everyone does think for themselves first, but that dosen't mean that they intend to do any bad.

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