Return to Hikikomori!!!!! (21)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-03 18:40 ID:km/HidLV


14 here.

I live in a European country. I like anime. I then registered and start to post in an anime forum of that country. I met GREAT people, and they pretty much got me my social skills back. I lost my shyness, I became waaay more social. Before then, school was the only thing keeping me from turning into a complete hikky, and in school, I was basically non-existant, since I just thought they were too dumb to even talk to. I now am friends with said 'dumb people'. They are good practice for social skills, and even though I'll pretty much lose interest in them after I leave school, my social skills have surely progressed.

Mackai: Meet up with your internet pals.

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