Inability to Cry (24)

17 Name: Aaron : 2007-12-18 06:42 ID:18msFAQx

I know exactly how the OP'er feels. He feels detached from the world. Numb is a better way of describing it.

I haven't cried since I was 17. I had a mom who had horrible mood swings. She had no friends and lived in a rural part of the county. That summer I got in trouble for drinking and was "grounded".

She took all her anger in life out on me, and constantly told me what a low life I was. Eventually I would be balling uncontrollably.

At first when the verbal abuse would start I would try to hold back the tears, but it hurt so bad, the pain was in my temples.

After I started crying I couldn't stop then she came to the rescue telling me she was sorry and she didn't mean the things she said.

That summer this sort of thing seemed to happen everyday. Until one day I became completely immune to her insults. There wasn't anymore pain in my temples, and I didn't care what she had to say anymore.

I learned to be sarcastic, and not to take the things she said seriously. Even sometimes laugh at the horrible things she would say.

For example: "You stupid fuck, you're just like you fuck father. Maybe you two should go live together and be butt buddies. I hope you have kids one day. I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

It's like I became desensitized to it all. Now I can't cry to save my life. It sucks because crying is a great way to release emotional distress.

There is no real alternative to it. For me the next best thing is finding a secluded spot where nobodies around and just flip out. Scream, and punch the ground until you're wear yourself out.

After I do this I feel great. It clears my mind an my anxiety goes away.

I guess you could call it a healthy alternative to crying.

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