(4)chan kids will not embrace me (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-17 03:18 ID:FERk2xL3

I sincerely hope this thread is not taken lightly, and read in a serious tone, preferable outloud yet under your breath, or at the very least, moving your lips gently along with the words.

I have been lurking for about some odd years now; lurking right there, the same spot, over and over again. Days I would remain, frozen eyes refreshed with refresh. My comments, my imag...this is so hard to write folks you just don't know. And they made fun of me. They called me racial slurs like "nig*a" and "nig**r", and EFG which I believe stands for "epic fail guy", and "milhouse" from the simpsons, and the list is too long. Fag*ot also. I could tell that they were somehow communicating amongst themselv

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