Life Choices (11)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-24 12:35 ID:25JjOGDW

I would have to say I'm a loner too. I have a great bunch of friends. Too many actually that I can't really keep up. I like to keep my personal and social life quite separate, so like you I prefer to shop by myself and spend time alone. I have a boyfriend who's kinda clingy which can be a bit of a problem but he's learned to respect my needs though.

I do miss the past and there were a great many things that had happened during high school. I'm actually looking forward to the future. But I'm also trying to live out the present as much as I can. I'm quite the opposite to you in this respect. I look forward to becoming an adult, owning my own home and establishing a career. The fact that it is unknown and there for you to create, the fact that I can chose my own path and what I do in my life, I get butterflies sometimes thinking about it. There are endless possibilities and even if the majority of us are controlled by expectations and parents, there are always ways around it.

Anyways. I find that the future is like a blank canvas. You can create anything from it. There really shouldn't be anything to be afraid of.

The future isn't a conspiracy. XDDD

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