I'm consistently getting pissed at my friends (and vice-versa) for stupid shit (15)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 19:17 ID:nqZNC5Lf

i'm not sure if this is related but i am dumbfounded.
for example, to the left is a set of categories i guess, that contain classes, or classes that contain types, or categories that contain subjects, whatever. and i assume the purpose of conceptual scheme is focus, whatever. and within those subjects, types, or classes, there are topics, created individually by users, whatever. okay so within a topic there are posts. and the posts contain statements, or words, perhaps just characters, BUT by now these statements are presumed to be seriously fucking focused, but i mean, how fucking focused can you possible be given a multitude of topics created by users? once were down to hats, its like, we better be fucking hat experts and have something intelligent to say about hats, which is to say that there is potential that the topic may actually enhance hats and who gives a fuck? and then you realize that if, after time, people expect to receive relevant information of goofy outthere topics, then your time is probably best spent concerned with topics you are actually involved with intimately, although this is somewhat draining. information theory, and communication, you see ive gone silly yet again.

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