Culturaly(?) Confused (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-20 01:05 ID:p1hCqm4n

Yeah, so I'm white/Caucasian American but I have an affinity for other cultures and races. I really empathize with black- and Asian-Americans, and get truly pissed off when people say racist things. When I see non-white actors in lead movie roles, I'm really happy (especially Asian-American actors, since the males are always given minor roles usually.)

I feel like I've grown up oblivious to "my own American culture", but I'm not anti-American at all. It just doesn't interest me.

I always read online boards designed for Muslims, Latinos, Jews, Asian-Americans, or Homosexuals-- all 'minority' groups I don't belong to. And even if I lively participate in the conversation, and believe in working towards a less-discriminating America... well, I don't belong with them, do I? It would seem that I've been looking for somewhere, (anywhere?) to belong to. But I don't really belong anywhere.

How can I appreciate my 'own culture' more? Should I even try? Sometimes, I wonder.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-21 17:48 ID:Heaven

Very true, never though of it that way. Hawaii is the best example.
Overall, linguistically and religiously, that variety is still by and large restricted to a small minority.

Although there is the large, distasteful minority in America that make up the "Ugly American", who would turn red with rage at the mention of 'multi-cultural' or 'diversity'.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-22 01:58 ID:Heaven


Yeah, I think you get some of those just about everywhere.

I know the Right-wing French nationalists bristle at the thought of all the Algerian immigrants. In Cologne, Germany, Turkish immigrants are pooling resources to build a medium-sized mosque, with similar opposition.

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