Acne? (30)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 00:16 ID:rkkGuDwQ

So, I have acne.

It really lowers my self-esteem and I hate it. I know I shouldn't freak out so much over some pimples, but it just aggravates me to no end. I only have it on my face and it isn't severe. It's mostly little pimples on my forehead, chin, and T-zone. Some of the skin is rough and my pores are clogged. I've tried a lot of remedies (Proactiv, Clearasil, Cetaphil, Oxy, Neutrogena) but none of them seem to work.

I have sensitive skin, too. I would prefer organic or more natural cures, but if it works, please tell me about it. If it matters at all, I'm a female.

Help me get rid of it, please?

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