[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

1 Name: 1 : 2007-08-01 06:36 ID:Un3gK5px

So Yeah, what kind of encouragement can 4-ch give to those true losers who feel they've failed at every, or most aspects of their lives? Those people who aren't even good at wasting time,
Or who feel incompetent, or entrenched in angst/depression/b/ What say you to them?

What do we do with these people?

Personally, I find it hard to face the future when I feel like I'm no good at anything. What do we do with these youngsters, suddenly faced with their own failures and shortcomings and the harsh mediocre, anticlimactic, terrifyingly concrete and real realities of reality?

Anyway, just venting... I've got to figure out what I want to do with my life. I'm twenty years old. Technically, that's very young. But like many people in my situation, I feel very old, and over.

How about you?

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