[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 05:06 ID:UCbAgmI5

hmmn... encouragement could i give to people who consider themselves true losers?
The first thing that comes to mind is they almost definitely have at least 2 good qualities:

  1. they are at least a little thughtful about themselves as people- that's a good quality. The 'real true losers' of the world usualy haven't even bothered to realise they are losers, or, even worse, some of them actualy think that they're cool etc. So give yourself a pat on the back ^-^
  2. They're honest, to some degree. Honesty is a wonderful and important quality, and it's amazing how few people are actually honest with themselves about themselves. It takes a bit of bravery too, to realise and admit to yourself that you really are a loser. It's better to be a total loser who knows they're a loser than some egotistical prick. so... good job :)
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