[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 16:14 ID:iu2fxynW

This is going to sound bad, but I think I motivate myself to do stuff through anger. Like I've been working out for quite a while now so that I look better so I can be like "ha! fuck you ex-girlfriends!" but not in so harsh a way. I just want to feel good about myself, and to do that I want some recognition from others as having improved. Same goes for things like university work. I'm repeating my final year and I'm really trying a lot harder to get as good a degree as I was on target for when I left school. Again, it's sort of like a big fuck you to the people who didn't think I could make something of myself. I've managed to make it sound like I've got serious anger issues, it's just that I couldn't really think of a word to use besides anger.

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