[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

18 Name: 43 : 2007-10-20 08:40 ID:HLmwzKQg

Think of it this way: we all have only one day of life. Divide your age by 3, most of you are around 21 which divided by 3 is 7. So it is 7:00 am in your day(life), then sun just rose there is a lot left to be done. (I learnt this from a manga >_<)

Also, measure success in your own terms. Do what success means to you and not to what you're told it means. >>12 is right,do what you want, be hedonistic, it doesn't matter if you're richer than bill gates if you don't enjoy it. On the other hand if you're the cheapest harlot in town but you love it then stick to it and fuck the world, fuck society and everyone else.

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