[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-01 07:25 ID:YMfRkels

I know what you mean about feeling old. I'm 20, too, and most of my closest friends, including both my roommates, now have significant others to fawn over, so I'm typically stuck with my roommate's cat as my only company. I've been absorbed in working and whatnot to raise money to pay for college stuff and running an anime club at my college, but over breaks my parents drag me back home from my apartment near my college, and apart from the occasional part time job, I have absolutely nothing to do. All my friends from high school also have jobs and it's near impossible to set up a meeting. I'm really afraid of when I graduate, because then I'll be working all the time, and all my friends from college will be in totally different places.

Also, even though it's really early, my parents are already pressuring me about an arranged marriage. I don't mind the arranged part; it makes it easier to get my parents approval if they pick, and if I don't like the guy I'll just say so and they won't be able to do anything about it. The problem, though, is that it makes me anxious. My parents don't ever seem that reliable, so by my luck they'll snatch up some random Indian guy(I'm Indian by blood, but I'm the whitest friggin nerd in the neighborhood) who can barely speak English and is some creepy looking doctor or something. The worst part is, they'll start doing this when I'm around 25ish, and they'll be looking for guys in their 30's. C'mon! Give me a break! I might feel like I'm in a mid-life crisis, but that doesn't mean I should get hitched to a guy who's really in his mid-life crisis! It'll suck more if he's ugly.

In other words, I kinda want my parents, bless them both, to start looking sooner rather than later. I'd like some time to get to know the guy, you know? If he ends up being a jackass I'd like to find out before I have to file for divorce.

You know what? A cat is fine, too.

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