[ENCOURAGEMENT] Thread - For People Like You and Me (22)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-14 06:30 ID:SQMCnNql

I'm hitting 21 in a few months and I'm sort of glad that I'm not the only one that feels old. I'm quite sure my life is fucked by now, I got booted from university 3 years ago so I've been going to school at a college instead to try to transfer to another university (long story about that one).

Unfortunately I'm super lazy and I can't seem to change that, I tried a couple of things but I just can't seem to shed the laziness.

My other problem is that I can't sleep early, I always sleep too late; Something always comes up online or I end up wasting time late at night instead of sleeping, when I do sleep early I have to toss and turn for hours before I'm actually asleep. I mention the sleep thing because if I can get a focused sleeping schedule I might be able to fix some aspect of my life, but my attempts have failed (Just tried once 2 weeks ago).

I just want to get a degree in something so I can graduate and get a decent job to be able to support my parents when they need me to. My looks won't attract any girls, neither will my personality (I'm a rather shy and anti-social person usually), and also the fact that I'm a pretty big otaku or nerd...so I think there's no point thinking about love at all.

I'm sorry for this long long rant, I've never posted on these boards before but I've lurked a lot and I just wanted to rant somewhere. >_< Thanks for reading if you actually took a look at my rantings.

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