Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

85 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 16:16 ID:z5xOISGz

You say you want a girlfriend but she HAS to be like that from from anime/manga. SPOILER: anime/manga is a fictional story not an accurate representation of reality. You need to understand this. If you will not for a moment consider a girl who doesn't like anime/manga than you are doomed. I tried to help out earlier but you insist on this rigid dogma you have built around the perfect anime/manga girl.

Most attractive girls are not interested in anime/manga. It is viewed at as a geeky/dorky hobby which it is in a way. You are essentially reading comic books and watching cartoons to oversimplify it.

I recommend everyone in the thread to not bring up anything that jumps into a huge philosophical/off-topic debate like war or philosophy on suicide.

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