I want to kill my sister, but I can't. Any other ways to deal with her? (77, permasaged)

22 Name: ~Blue : 2007-08-25 04:05 ID:tsDWkeeT


Oh, depends on what she wants at the time.
Here, I'll give you guys an example.

One day, it was bright, cheery, and I was playing games in the living room. Out of nowhere, my sister asks for a glass of milk. Simple and easy task, right? Well, when I DO get the milk, just as I was closing the door, she tells to me, "Gimme my milk you fucking bitch." And well.. I'm not gonna stand for that.
I tell her I'm not gonna give her the milk until she says she's sorry, right? A small request. Soon she starts crying and bashing the table with her dolls. I got a headache, so I just left the milk on the counter, where she could EASILY get it, all the while she's screaming, "I want my fucking milk!"

I leave for the living room to play more, right? She follows me and screams and cries while I kill zombies. Then, she says, "I'm going to fucking stab you if you don't give me my milk!" And I reply, "It's right on the counter, just grab it yourself!"

And what she does, is GO to the counter, but instead of grabbing the milk, she grabs a kitchen knife. A pretty big one too. She comes back to the living room and tries to stab me. And trust me, she was only like.. Half an inch away from my arm when I dodged. Then, she goes back and grabs a BUTCHER knife. Well.. I defended myself and she starts crying. So when my parents come back, she's on the ground crying, while I'm killing zombies with my shirt slightly ripped.


...That's just sick man. Please just think that in your head.. I'd rather not know that.

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