Worried about college. (19)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-09 02:03 ID:FY8Sliux

> from California
> English as a Second Language teacher (Spanish-English)

Sounds like you'll have lots of career opportunities for some time to come. Perhaps you could become qualified for English-Spanish too, just in case there is a shift in international politics some years down the line.
Wish I'd gone for something so practical.

If you get a student loan, you'll most likely end up paying for it many, many years down the line. See if there is any scholarship opportunities available, or if someone in your family can help you pay for this.


> Plus, if you're teaching public school you could get shot.

4Reals? I didn't think it was actually that bad in the 'States; Just scary media portrayals and opportunistic politicians.

> I'm just now figuring out what I get the most fulfillment out of is computing. I'm learning Python on my own at home.

I have a three-year community college programming education under my belt, and it's useless. The market still sucks, and I wouldn't be surprised if all the programming jobs were outsourced to India soon.
I'm earning minimum wage at a government make-work job mostly unrelated to my skill set, but it's far more enjoyable and fulfilling than siting alone in a tiny cubicle typing code.

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