Aspergers (28)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-15 19:44 ID:6n92Ulch


>>17 here, I think my friend and countless amounts of studies and texts by psychologists, neurologists, biochemists, and psychiatrists since the 1950's would beg to differ.

Don't get down on yourself: you are probably not a bad person; you have a real condition that is no different from having a congenital heart disease, diabetes, or bipolar disorder (like I have). These things can't be "cured", but they can be treated- and denying treatment just because you think bullshit like "all doctors are quacks out for money" will only result in more misery in your life.

My aspie homeboy would be nowhere without treatment and therapy, which he believes has made him the intelligent, productive, and socially popular person he is today.

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