Aspergers (28)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-16 18:16 ID:Heaven


So contradictory and ill-informed that it boggles the mind. You are probably a confused twentysomething psychology major that clings so tightly to their learned (read: proud of memorizing a few principles and regurgitating them with every paper) doctrines that anything else is simply inconceivably blasphemous. I mean, you practically spewed out two incompatible philosophies, expecting that they could be contained as ONE belief system.

I hope, after your "career" (god forbid you don't have one after those zealous college years, right?), or mid-life crisis, or whatever the fuck landmark moment when you realize how ignorant YOU are, the reality of government, psychiatry, and the human mind in general (your knowledge on this subject seems limited to mainstream philosophy) dawns on you.

Let's be "objective" though; that's never going to happen.

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