Embarrassing Bathroom Situation (34)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-24 11:25 ID:fwwKnYvo

This is really embarrassing, but I'll try to remain as dignified as possible.

For the past three weeks or so, whenever I... do my business in the bathroom, I notice that there's large, Flesh-like (In color and texture)balls, I suppose, in the toilet. They're nearly as large as... what they're accompanying, if you know what I mean. About a week before this happened, I had gotten a bag of candy at a gas station, and when I got it home, I noticed a hole in the side of it. I opened it, and the candy was covered in some odd white, flaky stuff. I wiped it off ate it anyway (I know, I'm stupid.), but it made me horribly sick to the stomach. I couldn't even get out of bed for a week. I'm worried that this is a side-effect of that. I thought it would pass, but it's been three weeks...

Accompanying this is... well, I bleed from my behind when it happens. It was so much that I had actually thought it was pre-period mucus-like blood. It's really similar to that.

This is horribly embarrassing. I don't really have anyone that I can ask to see if this is normal. I don't even know what to google for this. I'm assuming that it's not normal, as it's never happened to me before, and I'm honestly worried that I'm making a fool of myself by posting this. But hey, anonymous boards ftw.

If someone could just tell me if this is normal or not, I'll know if I need to go to a doctor.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-09 09:10 ID:+vOnZMxC

So did you end up going to the ER?

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-09 09:11 ID:+vOnZMxC

Also, allergic reaction to what?

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