Half my life story. Please judge me. (42)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-26 04:43 ID:+Nfh4cQX

Nice writing, at first I thought it might be copypasta, no offense, but I googled it and quickly found I was mistaken.

Do you still agree with your world view?

I'm pretty agnostic about such questions. As for me, when I was a kid, even though I was a loner myself, I remember victimizing a few kids that might be like you, in capable of fitting in or who were socially repulsive in some way. I was a normal kid who could probably have been plenty popular had I wished it, but I was far to introverted and found people tiresome. All the same, I didn't hesitate much to prey on those more pathetic than myself when they manifested their profuse faggotry in ways that made it irresistible.

I'm happy that I can count those unique occasions on only one hand, but they were there and I was an entirely guilty bully.

That's how kids are.

As for me, I've felt a kind of numbness to the rest of society, but never any real profuse hatred, at least none that lasted for some length of time. I think I might have been more nihilistic as a kid than I am now. You grow out of it, at least some people do, when you find things that interest you and the children's society quickly becomes irrelevant.

You say your teachers thought you were a moron, but you also suggest you were brighter and more interesting than the other students, talking about politics and such.

There were no people who shared your interests, often bright kids find others like them and form small groups of friends. At least if you're willing to talk to them you can. I was a loner who never spend much time with others, still am, but I did have some people who I was friendly with, even friends with at school.

Then again, I remember some of the jerks I would pick on at school, and I realize that some people are just fundamentally incapable of co-habiting with. They stay quiet, appear profoundly disagreeable from the start, sulk, and stay that way.

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