Seventeen year old virgin (68)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-09 23:43 ID:kQc5yOrl

This is what sickens me about today. You're actually depressed that you're a virgin at 17. Who jammed into your head that being a virgin at 17 is something to be depressed or ashamed about? Wait, let me guess. Your friends? Television and movies? People on 4chan? You shouldn't feel left out because you're not whoring yourself out like nearly everyone else is. Sex is the closest and most intimate you can get with your partner and you're bastardizing it by treating it like some hobby. No one will agree with me on this but I don't care. Sex should be special. It should be with a person you can say that you love.

Now feel free to bash the guy with the unpopular opinion because I know it's coming.

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