[Rant]It Sucks to be in a Conscript Army (57)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 14:41 ID:c7V41BYn

Well, guys. The 'combat' experience we get in the army here is crap.

For one, loads of the rifles they supply us with have been around since my grandfather was my age or something. It screws up 80% of the time you try to fire a blank during an exercise.

And when that happens, they just ask you to shout 'bang bang bang' to simulate firing. That's affectionately termed as the 'universal round'...

For non combat soldiers in our beloved consript army who are medically unfit for combat roles, they get shoved into clerical jobs. Now don't think its is a blessing. You're basically an underpaid office boy and the mental stress is sometimes worse than the most gruelling physical training session.

Basically, every male citizen of my country is screwed and robbed of 2 years of the prime of his life.

Anw, I'm done ranting.

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