[Rant]It Sucks to be in a Conscript Army (57)

44 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-05 07:55 ID:hB4pkYNy

I'm half-Thai ethnically. Although, Thailand is my country of birth, I do not reside there. I did vacation there last summer to meet relatives, and I was deeply fascinated with the social and political culture. I completely agree with your analysis of the country.

There is a personality cult of monarch worship. He's revered in a grand, almost religious, way. There is always something written in the papers or television specials and news announcements about him. The monarchy is credited for many good tasks, but I'm skeptical if that was the monarchy's doing alone or if there was not a team of advisers. Before a movie plays in theaters, one must stand up to the national anthem. One must stand to the national anthem played randomly anywhere in the country as a sign of patriotic faith. It is illegal to express criticism to the monarch. The rest of the developing world is moving towards globalization; whereas, Thailand is still clamoring over nationalistic Monarchy.

One of my cousins I stayed with absolutely loves the monarch. I had to listen to her blab about him all day, and she presented me with stacks of books she had collected on the subject.

In response to Thailand's disregard for criticism, that is because I do not believe that Eastern Culture accepts controversy in general. Topics which disturb social harmony or nationalism are taboo. Interesting that one of the kings, King Taksin, is Chinese ethically. Of all of my readings - my cousin's donations, of course -, only one source admitted this. I learned quickly that discussing politics is not favorable. That was unfortunate because I was there during some turbulent times.

I think you know about the military coup banning the original Prime Minister from political activity. I kept up with politics during the news during my stay. The rioting and outcry that went on there, especially when the military junta denounced Buddhism as the national religion, was unlike anything I'd seen.

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