[Rant]It Sucks to be in a Conscript Army (57)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-05 07:56 ID:hB4pkYNy

>>45 continued
It even goes as far as the infamous Pattaya beach. I had heard about it from fellow tourists, but I did not think it was as bad as it sounded. I went there but left the same day because it disgusted me. Men, mostly western rejects with already one foot in their graves, venture to Pattaya to pick up some young prostitute for one last kick in life. The prostitutes there can make just as much as doctors.

I left that country depressed. It is a beautiful place, especially when you see the country side. There is a lot good there, but there is also much rampant corruption and filth. I too want to congratulate your ability to notice the transgressions you have. Know that I see it to and I'm also appalled. If it really gets to you, then I can only recommend moving elsewhere. My family was fed up with Thailand's culture and politics and left for good.

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