Hiding your hobbies (29)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 08:18 ID:VD6tQowA

I've been a nerd forever, but recently my social life started picking up after I started talking to some the foreign students at my school (mexican guy and a bunch of japanese. even talked to a korean guy who freely admitted to liking starcraft). They most likely know most of my friends there are anime freaks, but still treat me alright and accept me as a friend. It probably helps that I'm the same race as most of them.

Now I find myself in the position of hosting a massive New Years party, and I'm not sure what to do. (most of)The guests are mostly my friends from way back, people who LAN, watch anime, roleplay, and on the surface look and act like well dressed elitists, so there's no problem there, but my house has a lot of anime and video game-type stuff lying around. Should I hide it, and keep in the good graces of my newfound fellow Japanese friends, or let them see a part of me that I normally hide under a veil of "normalness"? I want to keep my friends (and in some cases, potential romantic interests), but I don't want to appear to be a loser. What is the best course of action here?

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