ugh, the law is so fucking weak!!! (156)

1 Name: pissed off bf : 2008-01-04 06:09 ID:Td3Ok36F

Okay, so basically my gf was raped last month. i talked to her about it and she went to the police and got the 3 guys caught. later, they go out on bail and then two of them rape her AGAIN, get caught and put in jail again, then the other one tries, but he gets his ass kicked by my gf, and her friend was walking by so he got the shit beat outa him. She got pregnant from it, but had a miscarriage (thank god)
And so, the boys have they're trial and everything. the two guys are going to juvi FOR ONLY 10 YEARS!!! the judge was like "oh, there were no witnesses for either of the rapes" and then the other kid only got 2 years probation. ITS SO FUCKING RETARDED. The girl i love got raped, and pregnant from a few fucking retards. There was more than enough evidence! they took pictures of her after the rape when she was passed out and all bloodied up but they confinsacated the camera. there was also the fact that she was fucking PREGNANT.
I want those fuckers locked up for life. they raped her fucking twice. they almost killed her. and 2 of them are only gonna be locked up 10 years and 1 of them only probation for 2 years >.> I swear to go the Law is so weak sometimes.

(nothing really anyone can do. i just had to rant somewhere)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-04 06:53 ID:QsEzgoAw

Go Kill them, but dont get caught, I would do that D:

3 Name: pissed off bf : 2008-01-04 06:57 ID:Td3Ok36F

i would, only she moved far away so i cant fucking do anything

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-04 07:43 ID:kFeDKyeb

I know this won't be too much use at all but, I do hope you can at least find some relief as time passes.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-04 17:11 ID:ljHwBTFE

pics plz, that sounds hawtt

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-05 19:41 ID:Heaven


You think the cops do anything? Kick their asses to death.

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