ugh, the law is so fucking weak!!! (156)

45 Name: Pissed off Bf : 2008-03-11 03:04 ID:9tkBWon0

yes, i have met her. but we're both still in HS, so the ewhole moving in thing doesnt work. after all the shit that's been going down though, i'm gonna ask her to move here. her dad's got a few job offers, btu he wont make as much. UW has one of the best medical courses around, so we obviously have some of the best hospitals. i want her to come here for that.

she had a seizure today. it was really bad, she was getting out of the school bus, fell, hit her head, and had a seizure. she's in ICU (Intencive Care Unit) right now. i was just on the phone with her and hs ehad another seizure. i hope to god she'll be okay...

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