The Recipe for Everything (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-12 01:52 ID:KtTWNiFz


This is for everyone who have a problem they are thinking about. You're probably aware of your own problem, or you would not be here or on any other forum talking about it. You're self sufficient enough to realize the potential "what ifs" that could happen if you do one thing or another to solve it.

Actually you're the most qualified person here to know that.

Life works in a way where we're spending most of the time actually fighting ourselves. Keep that in mind for the rest of this.

If the problem is your own, I want to tell you that your actions are who you are. You have many thoughts and ideas, and sometimes you make a decision. It's an awesome moment where you clearly see what something is good for and why you should do something. But you have to take action to reach that end.

You won't always continue to see or feel that reasoning as clearly. Time passes and we all become numb to the 'usual'. Even if you eat something with the same flavor for an extended period you'll loose the freshness of the taste.

If you don't see things clearly yet, keep thinking. Be as vivid in your thinking as you can, but don't focus on "I have to think vividly about my problem". Focus on the many nuances of your problem. What started the problem is sometimes helpful, but not the end all be all of solving your condition. If the actions of another person sent you into peril, killing that person will not change your current behavior unless you're being directly oppressed and clearly manipulated on a day to day basis.

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