Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-19 18:34 ID:6+phM+sE

When I and my girlfriend broke up, I got depressed and withdrew from the world. Looking back, its an entire two years of my life(20-22) with nothing to show for it but 12 college credits and a bunch of computer stuff and a credit card bill that's presently bumraping me(24).

My parents chipped on me to get a job, but didn't push the issue and just kept depositing 1,200 bucks a month for my hikkomori pad and my pathetic attempt at a college education. I was losing every sort of skill I had and gaining weight.

Anyways, the thing that shy people need to realize is that no one cares. No one in your lecture hall cares if your hair is unkempt or you're a super-senior or whatever. Random campus tards might lol if you fall over or sit down in the wrong classroom, but they're not really going to remember a couple weeks later.

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