Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

40 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-08 04:54 ID:RyRS9eMp

I'm gonna be honest with you, it's not so great out here

When I stopped being a shut in I just charged out into the world and decided to do all the things I should've done in as little time as possible. Like getting a job, moving out, learning how to drive, finishing school etc

It made me super fucking stressed and I just wanted to die every night so i didn't have to face tomorrow

But it got better, eventually you stop caring what other people think of you

However, life isn't exactly great either, sometimes I feel like i'm on a road to a mediocre office job where I will spend the rest of my life, then retire, and i get real depressed that i'll ultimately achieve nothing

but then again, you can't exactly lead a hikki life forever...

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