Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

51 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-12 08:31 ID:EW/J2pXf

the point is; you don't sounds like a hikki, you just sound like someone who had a more normal kind of reclusive period. Largely because, someone who's experiences real hikkikomori-ism would be unlikely to say something like 'you just have to get off your ass' etc. It's the getting outside, and doing it repeatedly, that's the problem. You don't sound like someone who understands the stress and anxiety a hikki feels when trying to do such things. Hikki's need to go outside and resume regular activities; yes, duh. But just being aware of that and wanting to do so, isn't enough to make it reasonably possible. It takes work, sometimes a lot of work, and time, to fix the anxiety and such.

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