Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

70 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-18 01:06 ID:OyT35qb1

All you need is HARDCORE willpower...
I'm fucking useless at many things... I view most people (including myself) with utter contempt - but if theress something you want to achieve no matter what, you'll be willing to suffer hell in order to achieve it. People are worthless (this point of view is bullshit (although so is that point of view(indeed, all points of view are equally worthless if you think too much about it)))...

Categorizing yourself as having a "social disorder" is only a pathetic excuse.
I got the shit kicked out of me at highschool most of the time and generally had the mindset that everything I do and think is "wrong" and other people are "right". In my own mind I was a worthless piece of shit - that was the polite thing to do, right? Therefore I deserved everything I got.

Even after highschool for two years at collage I had this mindset - I didn't go out, I never had any friends, I hated myself (Not in a fucking emo way, I just thought I was worthless, didn't make any fuss about it).

I'm a different person now - I have friends, I generally content. Mainly because I have something I want to achieve no matter what - I don't care about other people, I just put all my effort into achieving my dream. If I happen to befreind people along the way, then that's OK. (of course, I still retain my pessimistic, cynical view of people, but thats no big deal ;))

I think i've been in the kind of situation you've been in (or at least a similar kind)) It's tough to deal with - and IMPOSSIBLE to explain to other people - so don't even try.
Abandon the vauge hope, that someone out there will understand your situation, your feelings, or in some way help you out... Thats Bullshit.

Ultimately, you'll have to fight your way through your situation ON YOUR OWN. NO "SUPPORT" GROUPS. No friends, no family. Just you. I'm familiar with this situation (i'm not trying to be arrogant, or assume that I know who you are! Just trying to help out!). You have to grit your teeth and change your own conception of yourself no matter how hard it might be. Fuck that! Change what you think other people's conception of yourself is! I used to think other people thought of me as a physically weak anti-social geek - so I took up thai-boxing and excerices with great enthusiasm (simply because it didn't fit into the preconception I felt other people gave me). Although I don't do as much excercise as I used to - I still manage to suprise people! Break the preconception that other people have of you as well as your own preconception of your self - do something you'd never imagine or picture "someone like you" doing!

It's all about willpower. If you have a dream or obsession that you're willing to achieve no matter what the cost, then you WILL grit your teeth and tough it out, no matter what kind of hell you have to go through.

There is no "support group" that will help you. There are no "self help" books or sites that will offer you guidance. There is no secret admirer that will bail you out at the last minute. There is only YOU. You, and a whole world of other (EQUALLY) worthless human beings. Pathetic, vain, arrogant, self-loving, self-hating, secretly starved for attention humans.
If you're really serious about finding a way out of your hell - you HAVE to realise that the - only one that will help you is YOU.
If you manage to find a definite way out, you will be a tougher, stronger person. If you make it that far you'll be far stronger that the self-obsessed majority.
If you're really in the self-imposed nightmare that I was in for almost all of my youth, I honestly hope you can find a way out.
Remember - you don't need to be positive you don't need to be "happy", you don't need to worry about finding friends or someone that will accept or love you.. you just need to be able to call upon HARDCORE WILLPOWER. No matter how hard or lonely life gets, you'll tough it out, doing your own thing.

If you can't do this, then no amout of support groups or self-help articicles will ever help you.

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