Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

76 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-18 18:01 ID:H3YT+WO5

Well, I'm not a hardcore hikki, in fact, I'm not even sure I can quite define myself as one. I have a job at Subway, usually closing shifts, I like my co-workers generally, and I'm making some money. I have three classes at a Community College right now, but my GPA is sitting at a less than pretty 3.0, what can I say, I'm lazy. I have maybe one friend, who is kind of useless, he never wants to go anywhere, I haven't really talked to him this month. To be honest with you, I think my life is rather lonely and boring, I feel totally remote, I can't talk to my mom without getting irritated, my dad is never around, I mostly dislike my sister, and my school's social scene is jam packed with people that have no desire to do anything at all at the end of class. I feel stuck right now, I come home around noon-1:30p, pick up my sister at 2:30p, and go to work at 4:00p. I come home anywhere from 8 to 10pm, depending on my shift, and I sit in front of the computer until about 11pm. Then I go to bed.

What I have written is my entire life. There is nothing else. Frankly, I feel like killing myself every month or so.

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