Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

77 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-19 22:09 ID:/q3EwiBo

Hi, this is >>25 back once more. Yeah, I am spending countless hours in the tutoring center at my CC, working on my math. Its actually going well, I really have the principles of equation solving down pretty solidly.

But, its the numbers that get me. You know, things like moving decimal points when working with percentages. I guess that I'm better at abstract pattern problems, like the ones on IQ tests, and things that can be better visualized.

All that I can say to the shut-ins out there is to just get out into the world. It has not been easy, sometimes I just feel burned out. Just keep this in mind: there is no escaping your fate or destiny, if you lack the initiative to meet it on your own terms while you still can, fate may come down upon you much harder later, on it's terms.

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