Recovering/Former Hikkomoris? (100)

95 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-11 13:03 ID:1cdZas86

I'm curious, have any ex-hikkis/shut-ins come to think of their time in seclusion as a positive experience rather than just regretting it, despite the suffering at the time?

I got to thinking after reading this quote..

>“The two and a half years was very important for me. It’s was the most important time in my life I think. The experience of Hikikomori was a very positive experience for me.

When I did school-refusal, teachers, relatives, parents, neighbours didn’t understand me. So I felt an enormous pressure to go to school - So I could not go. And during that time I had to ask myself who I am. I had to ask myself why I should go to school and why I don’t go to school. So the time was very important for me.
… So now I think like that, but when I was doing Hikikomori or school refusal, it was a very very hard experience for me.”

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