Self Improvement Thread (70)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 02:59 ID:OTklD6B3

In this thread we will discuss things that we don't like about ourselves and try to fix it. We won't just talk, we will take action - no more whining on a forum then forgetting about it.

It is my hope that together we'll be able to leave the "hikki" life and start kicking ass.

I'll start - I feel that my life is very boring right now. Course/school work is all I can think about and I don't participate in a lot of activities. Because of this I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of things (such as girls...)

What I'm going to do:

-Start getting better at alpine skiing so I can join the beginner alpine race teams.

-Take up a martial art. I used to do karate in the past but I stupidly gave up (I was young and still pretty immature about things...should've kept it!)

If all goes well, my self-esteem will go through the roof.

So, what do you guys have on your minds? Discuss.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 12:53 ID:x1V0uZBj

After not finding any career goal for myself while attending university, I decided to take time of in order to soul-search. My family has hit a financial situation which I feel an obligation to contribute aid for as long as I still live with them at least.

-keep working and save money to help pay bills for my family
-study medical terminology in order to work a better paying job at the hospital as a clerk
-read books and magazines to satisfy life curiosities, stories of characters who are going through a similar moment of existential questioning, for example.
-practice painting, for I put art aside for academia when I was at school

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 05:09 ID:XWX01OQM

I kind of hope I'll stop... Actually, there's nothing I can't willingly change already. Maybe I'll just list what other people hate about me.

  • Arrogant, conceited
  • Creepy
  • Quiet
  • Weird (For some reason, people don't appreciate when you smile large and cockmongler-esque at them)
  • Lazy
  • Pretty sure wiping my nose on my sweater doesn't fly too well with the socialites

Basically, yeah. I'm not looking to make any friends though.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 06:14 ID:Heaven

You can easily change

  • Arrogant, conceited
  • Lazy
  • wiping my nose on my sweater

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 06:14 ID:Heaven

Easily in comparison to the others, anyway.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 07:08 ID:O4edC1Et

i swear pretty profusely. now, i'm not someone who believes it's a moral wrong, but it puts off bad vibes, (and there's a particular girl...), not to mention is just immature anyway.
sure, in middle school, it was well and fine (tough to do without, really) but now it's time for me to internalize that those fucking words don't really mean anything. (see? they don't)

that, and i want to spend more time reading. which is tough, because i have like eight hobbies or something, of which one is reading (lol).

7 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-02-18 10:00 ID:0gacU/jK

I've been battling with a lot of realities that I have to face recently. Being in my junior year at a 4 year college with no leadership, volunteer, research, etc experience, having sparse job experience, and taking courses to fulfill two degrees after having transferred from a Community College where I basically only took general education courses, I need to move my ass Fast to become competitive for Grad School application.

The problem doesn't so much lie there. I'm sure I could work out time to get various activities, etc, in. The problem lies in that I have OCD, Social Anxiety Disorder, am Terrible about not being organized, and am a Ridiculous procrastinator. This isn't even to mention that I lack social and networking skills.

Plus, I've just gotten into the *chans, and adding this kind of interest to my other current interests is, well, insane. Especially now that I've arrived at 4-ch, where I see a bunch of help topics, and I'm a compulsive helper.

So, what's the solution? I get organized and prioritized. I take the advice I just gave to someone else and start engaging in random conversations. I begin e-mailing my professors to discuss mentorship and research opportunities that will lead to good letters of recommendation, I plot out my time every week and all upcoming events in a calendar, and I begin more intensive study into both of my fields of interest.

I will have no time to sit back and relax, for the most part. That frightens me, as I greatly enjoy being able to just float from one thing tot he next, and I'm aware that I have a very negative interpretation, and a very stressful one (especially considering that my negative interpretation Leads to stress) about not having free time.

So, I also need to change my attitude about being scheduled. This is good to do now, anyway, since I Do plan on attending grad school and continuing individual research into the other subject of my choice while going to grad school.

If only I could already be doing this so that I'd get awesome grants and scholarships (which I also need to apply for), great paid internships, and Awesome research positions.

Ah well. One step at a time. I'll have to get used to thinking and acting that way. I've taken my sweet time working up to allowing myself to enter that process. This process.

Updates to come later. (I believe that it's crucial to track one's success or failure and have others be there to see it so that your accountability is kept in mind.)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 15:34 ID:s2yXen2/


Have you ever heard of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award? I'm sure they do it in the US & Canada (I hope I'm not being presumptious about your location). It's a very, very highly regarded award here in the UK, especially the Gold Level award. Each level (bronze, silver, gold) consists of sections where you have to gain or improve a specific skill, the sections being Physical, Service and Skill. Each level also requires you to do an expedition in wild country, which gets progressively longer and harder with each level. Thanks to the D.O.E., I've learned Latin, Tennis, improved my musical skills, and volunteered for a variety of organisations and charities. I've also walked hundreds of miles throughout Scotland's most beautiful scenery. Basically, if you want fitness, leadership & team skills, confidence and organisational skills, try the DOE, or anything similar.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 19:45 ID:hAw15G48

My current goals are:

-Lose weight, through diet and excersize. I'm not overweight or anything, but I'd feel better about myself if I turned some of my excess flab into muscle.
-Get a job, so I can afford nice clothes, music, and so I don't have to move back in with my parents when the school year is over.
-Get more focused on school in general. I'm actually doing pretty okay at this one in general, although I've done fuck all this weekend.
-Learn the accordion, lol. I've wanted to do so for a few months; I was even signed up for a class, but then I got sick and missed a lot of the classes. :/
-Take up sewing again. I'll have to wait till I have a job to pay for fabric and a sewing machine, though.
-And my continued goal of expanding my social circle as much as possible in my new city.

We can do it!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 21:41 ID:aWVVv9F4

What I don't like about myself:

Never leaving my apartment
Spending 24/7 on the internet
Eating nothing but junk
Never working out
No friends
No Job

What I plan on doing to improve myself:

Get a job so I can buy more video games
A car so I can drive to my job
A credit card for Fry's and Bestbuy

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 23:18 ID:naJPzJW9

Although I don't feel like comtributing my issue with myself, there's something important to remember. Improving yourself is fantastic... only if you are comfortable with it. Never feel you have to change for anyone, only do it when you feel ready and you'll love yourself all the more for it.

Best of luck to all of you.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-19 03:24 ID:mAD0+Bm0

♪ Become healthy, and subsequently become happy with my appearance
♪ Become more comfortable when I'm around strangers
♪ Look up when I walk, not at my shoes
♪ Become more gregarious and stop being so shy and awkward

I'm in the midst of my first goal, but I have good days and bad days. I need to be more dilligent. As for the rest of my goals, I'm having a bit more trouble getting started...

13 Name: FiRez : 2008-02-19 06:24 ID:P+oHrm7r

That sounds badass. is a shame that i live in a shitty 3rd world country :(

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-19 07:47 ID:XNy+xfKY

Sounds a lot like me. Junior at 4 year, transferred from CC, considering Grad school, no leadership, volunteer, research, experience, Social Anxiety Disorder, procrastinator, lacking social and networking skills.

Ah well, at most I would go for a Masters. And if it happens, it happens.

Things I need to change:

-Talk and interact more. I think I give people an okay impression now, besides the fact I barely talk.

-Do more. I pretty much spent the last 4 days in my room being lazy.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-19 18:23 ID:s2yXen2/

Volunteering is a brilliant way of getting experience, and it's incredibly easy to find opportunities.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-20 07:26 ID:dEUkacm3

I hate that I am so indecisive

what am i going to do about it?

i cant decide yet -_-

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-22 19:01 ID:F9c2aOWn

Indecisive people are simply unsure of the consequences of their actions. That's when you carry dice around with you or a coin and let fate lead the way.

18 Name: SpireAtlanta!SGRPrwhmGE!!DwFbhmLv : 2008-02-23 02:08 ID:1k+hx7FG

>>17 It isn't that simple for people such as myself. The issue isn't so much the immediate consequences, but the build-up of them. Mistakes and personality quirks get joked about and spread, mishaps pile up in people's minds, etc. The issue, then, is over-planning for things and spending time planning rather than doing what's needed to reduce risk/bad outcomes.

Fear is a powerful and annoying thing. It's worse when it's been verified in the past.

19 Name: da PG king : 2008-02-23 02:53 ID:osUH4Uhv

Not get expelled-
Bring my quota from 5 girls a year to 7-
Bench press 200 lb. (Im at 160)-

Plans to do this:
Pray more-
Call girls more-
work out harder-

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-23 04:56 ID:Heaven

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