O (22)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-15 01:00 ID:QXU4wIvj

seriously, you should consider drinking a little. you don't have a lack of emotions, what you do is that you learned how to block it. alcohol somehow (atleast for most people)lowers your emotional barriers. i don't mean drink like a fucking maniac and say those classic drunken "love speeches" to your friends.

what you should do is drink a little (enough to get you a buzz) and then put in a DVD of some good movie (you seem to like tv, so it should be easy to find something). the music in the movies/tv shows are made to play with your feelings, along with the scenes they should do the work of getting you emotional. the alcohol is so that you won't be able to over-analyze the scene at that very moment. you should feel better after it, its kind of a cathartic experience, much like what you do when you cut yourself.

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