Man goes to a doctor (11)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-16 22:34 ID:KA1Uzeas

No one said life was easy.

Here's a quote from Drew Carey.

"'Wah wah, I hate my life. Wah wah, I hate my job.' There's a support group for that. It's called 'EVERYBODY' and it meets at the bar."

OP grasps that it's a hard cold world. OP fails to grasp that everybody else already knows that. There's nothing you can do about it, and if you dwell on it you're going to turn into an emo kid and end up posting seventeen times a day on your blog on Myspace about how you cut your wrists again because nobody likes you.

Everybody hates emo kids. OP has a responsibility to suck it up and not whine to everyone around him about how miserable he is. Everybody hates a crybaby. The only thing that's going to result from him telling everybody "his twue feewings" is that everybody's going to hate him and avoid him, because, well, did I mention that everybody hates emo kids? OP doesn't grasp that if people understood him, they'd know he's a closet emo kid. The last thing in the world anyone should want is to be understood.

Suck it up. Be a man. Go get laid or something.

Or, if that doesn't appeal, given that the OP's post consists mostly of veiled boasting about how rich and successful he is, maybe he should ponder how many million people out there would sell a kidney to have one one-hundredth of the money he has.

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