I am so fucked... (16)

1 Name: da PG king : 2008-02-19 23:15 ID:LrYwrpYV

alright, so on saturday, I showed a kid who I thought was my friend my gun while I was at the YMCA and working out. He told the police. So I told the police that I got the gun from a friend, who earlier in the week I sold 2 brass knuckles to. Today, I was kicked out of school for threatning the kid, which I did not do. My mom proceeded by calling the school and telling them where I got the gun from a friend, when in reality I bought it at a shop, and my friend doesnt know that I used his name.

What do I do about the threat?

what do I do about the kid?

What do I do about Aquill?

I am so fucked that I wouldnt be surprised if I have a heart attack at the age of 15...

Please help.

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