Shape Me! (24)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-27 04:17 ID:6JiaqoIl

This is your shopping list for food:

Break up these meals into even smaller meals for maximum effect, this way your body thinks it's always being supplied with food so it's okay to expend fat for

Dinner stuff (Salad)
Baby Spinach (You can get this for cheap in bags)
Chicken (Bake it)
Sliced Almonds or Sunflower seeds

Breakfast stuff (Very Simple)

Whole grain oats (make with hot water)
Eggs (Don't add dairy products, cheese, sour cream etc.)

If you eat any grains, make sure they are whole grains. Carbohydrates with fiber actually cause less weight gain than straight carbohydrates.

Don't ever justify the buying of snacks, just don't have them around and you won't be tempted.

If you're embarrassed to run or swim, just walk - walking quickly has health benefits. Do it Daily.

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