A parental problem... epic length (20)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-23 02:43 ID:q+HtgDTb

it's interesting that you don't have any close friends that you can confide in. I'll think it be best you tell a close friend.. somebody who knows you well-- who knows.. maybe you are manipulative~ (I don't know you! Seems like you're the emotional type-- and maybe sometimes you are a bit manipulative w/o knowing.. but then again.. everybody are to some extent in POV)

But if not, if you are the nice person you say you are....and do not want to confide in anybody.. here's my input to this.

just a comment:: perhaps that's why your mother divorced him/??? You didn't mention about your mother, what role does she play in your life? And who were the "we" you mentioned about going on the "vacation"?
-if your father is not tthe only close family member that you have.. and you feel loved already and happy w/o him. I would totally just keep him out of my life.
-why cause more troubles for yourself?

Also, he seems like the guy in denial. Instead of accepting his faults and change, he pushes the blame to others. Please don't take him seriously--- it just seems like he's being irrational here.
-if you want to change him... i guess you'll just have to be patient and put up w/ his temper
-no parents are perfect... perhaps he has stress w/ work and relationship problems, etc.... and you have stress w/ school, etc ---> stress on both sides + emotional --> big fights!

Try to see things from his standpoint.. but if he's truly unreasonable... stop critizing his parenting skills (if you do that)-- and just spend time to get to know him more (or just live your own life!!!!! Who cares about somebody like that anyway?!)

Sry my msg is getting so long.. just random thoughts and ideas. Hope they'll give you some insight.

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