Serious gender confusion... (32)

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-29 21:07 ID:8Xsd1k7r

What I'm curious about is WHY you want to be a girl?

For example, do you just appreciate feminine beauty and traits more than male ones? Or do you want to take up feminine gender roles such as feeling dependent and passive?

I get this feeling that you could be very well off simply being a pretty boy.

Perhaps it is because I grew up in an Asian background but I feel nowadays there is a GREAT DEAL of acceptance of guys who look like girls. And I'm not talking about metrosexuals who wear tight jeans and shirts, I'm talking about guys who grow out long shiny pretty hair and enjoy wearing frills and skirts and stockings in front of a camera. I'm not a girl and I'm not gay but I think guys who do that are really cool.

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