Concerned about my height. (42)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 01:14 ID:Nlc37JF7

I will be turning 17 in late august and I'm 5'7" tall. I'm rather concerned about my height; it bothers me to the point where I'm incapable of concentrating on others things.

My father is around 5'10" and my mother is around 5'5". Based on this info I'm thinking I might be done growing. I have done some research and basically there are 2 ways to get taller: Limb Lengthening Surgery (LLS) and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) treatments. I won't be considering LLS for the time being as it is quite risky and very expensive (in the 100 000$+ area).

Is it too late for me to start using HGH? Is it effective? To be honest, I'd be willing to delay college for a maximum of 2 years in order to collect enough money to get HGH injections.

So please, internet strangers, tell what I should do to get taller. If I stay at 5'7" I'll probably fall into a deep depression.

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