Relationship without a future. (24)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-16 12:11 ID:g8jCDMdM

@ OP

There are times when we have to make tough decisions that we would never think about it or even consider, such as breaking up with your GF. Judging from the way you described your situation, breaking up may very well be an option you need to consider seriously, as there is no trust in your relationship, there is little chance that it will last.

From my own experience, when a girl has no self-confidence and can't trust herself, she will slowly start shutting you out of her life. If she was open to you to begin with, she will gradually close herself off to the point where you simply become another friend. Try as you might, there is nothing you can when girls like your start turning to this point, or rather they don't want people doing anything for them. These types of girls are lost causes.

I've been through this process before, and I can say that the longer you cling onto her the more it's gonna hurt you when the relationship ends. Don't go thinking things like love can overcome anything or everlasting love, as much as we like to believe in these things they simply don't exist. You love her a lot now but I'm sure overtime that love will fade. My advice to you: GIVE UP ON HER, if she has that low of self-confidence then she won't go far in life. In my opinion it probably isn't worth trouble trying to save her.

Of course, your case isn't the same as mine and you may be able to save her from that side of her. To you she may be worth saving, but I personally wouldn't think so considering the circumstances. Well please let us know how it goes.

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